Interdisciplinary Studies Advising Guide

Department of Integrative Studies

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What is Interdisciplinary Studies?

Interdisciplinary Studies allows students to design a unique academic path by integrating courses across multiple disciplines. This major prepares students to approach complex challenges by combining knowledge and methods from various fields, fostering innovation and adaptability.

Why Study Interdisciplinary Studies?

This program is perfect for students with diverse academic interests who seek flexibility in their education. It equips students with broad skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication, making them valuable in a wide range of careers.

Career Opportunities

  • Business: Marketing Specialist, Operations Manager, Business Consultant
  • Healthcare: Health Educator, Healthcare Administrator, Policy Analyst
  • Education: Curriculum Developer, Educational Program Coordinator, Corporate Trainer
  • Government and Non-Profits: Program Director, Policy Analyst, Community Organizer
  • Technology: Information Systems Manager, Data Analyst, UX Researcher

Salary Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies

Salary for Interdisciplinary Studies graduates will vary from individual to individual depending upon their desired profession and specialty. Advanced degrees, certifications, and training will yield higher median salary ranges. Please refer to the Occupational Outlook Handbook through the Bureau for Labor Statistics for salary trends in specific areas of interest.

High School Preparation

Students should have a well-rounded academic background, with coursework in humanities, social sciences, and STEM, along with active participation in leadership roles and extracurricular activities.

How to Major in Interdisciplinary Studies

Students must complete a combination of core and elective courses across multiple disciplines, engage in an interdisciplinary capstone project, and work closely with advisors to ensure a cohesive academic plan that aligns with their career goals.

Special Opportunities

  • Internships: Students can pursue internships that align with their interdisciplinary focus, providing real-world experience.
  • Thesis: Students can dive deeply into a topic of study, guided by a professor, to learn more content in an area that will enhance their career goals or prepare them for graduate school
  • Study Abroad: Tailored programs that enrich interdisciplinary perspectives.
  • Capstone Projects: A culminating experience where students apply interdisciplinary approaches to solve real-world problems.

Academic Plan

Following an academic plan will help you stay on track to graduate in four years. 

To see the Interdisciplinary Studies Degree Requirements and Graduation Plan, please click here. Graduation plans provide only a suggested schedule; make sure to meet with your academic advisor to find the actual schedule that is right for you.

For additional degree information, visit the undergraduate bulletin.

For More Information

For further details on the Interdisciplinary Studies program, contact the department at (251) 460-6263 or

Visit the department office at:

307 University Boulevard N
UCOM 3700
Mobile, AL 36688-0002

Department website