Social Work Career Map

What is Social Work?

Social work is a profession dedicated to improving the well-being of individuals, families, and communities. Social workers aim to enhance the overall quality of life for those in need by providing counseling, advocacy, and support services. They work in various settings such as hospitals, schools, non-profit organizations, and government agencies, collaborating with diverse populations to address social issues, promote social justice, and empower individuals to overcome challenges.





Half lightbulb and half brain

First Year

  • Begin pre-professional courses
  • Build skills in communication, interpersonal relationships, and critical thinking
  • Research career opportunities for licensed Social Workers

Middle Years

  • Complete pre-professional courses including SW 200, SW 214, & SW 220
  • Begin field placement during professional program
  • Attend Hire-A-Jag to connect with employers

Last Year

  • Complete field placement and professional program
  • Prepare for licensure
  • Apply for graduate school (optional)


Half lightbulb and half brain

First Year

Middle Years

Last Year

  • Research graduate programs
  • Volunteer with community or campus partners
  • Determine area of expertise within Social Work



First Year

  • Login to Handshake and build profile strength to 75%+
  • Meet with academic advisor to plan prerequisite courses
  • Begin Social Work pre-professional program

Middle Years

  • Take part in internships, summer jobs, or volunteer opportunities
  • Attend career fairs and networking events to boost communication skills and make connections
  • Apply for admission to Social Work professional program

Last Year

  • Prepare and research licensure requirements in desired state
  • Decide between job search and graduate school before final semester
  • Meet with Career Development to finalize resume and prep for the job search

Social Work Labor Statistics


What can I do with this major?

  • Mental Health Counselor
  • Social Services Coordinator
  • Victim Advocate
  • Intervention Specialist
  • Patient Advocate
  • Case Worker/Manager
  • LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker)
  • Foster Care Coordinator
  • Behavioral Health Specialist
  • Substance Abuse Counselor

What skills will I earn?

  • Active Listening
  • Communication
  • Problem-Solving
  • Ethical Decision-making
  • Advocacy and Social Justice Awareness
  • Therapeutic Counseling Techniques


USA Career Development


Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work


Dr. Nancy Kelley