Chapter Officers

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Student VPs

 Officers 2024-2025
President: Laura Moore, Associate Professor, Department of Music
President Elect: 
Vice President for Membership: Sally Steadman, Department of Civil, Coastal, and Environmental Engineering
Student Vice President: Anita Nguyen
Student Vice President: Connor Holm
Student Vice President: Brock Renicks
Student Vice President: Grayson Glenn
Student Vice President: Brooke Carpenter
Student Vice President: Genevieve Batman
Secretary: Ellen Harrington, Professor of English
Treasurer: Romulus Godang, Professor, Department of Physics
Awards and Grants Coordinator:  Sally Steadman, Department of Civil, Coastal, and Environmental Engineering
Public Relations Officer: Silas Leavesley, Professor of Chemical Engineering / Biomedical Engineering
Webmaster: Loretta Wilson, Coordinator, Honors College / Office of Undergraduate Research
Administrative Assistant: Loretta Wilson, Coordinator, Honors College / Office of Undergraduate Research

Recent Past Presidents:

Dr. Brenda Beverly (Speech Pathology and Audiology)

Dr. Romulus Godang (Physics)

Dr. Ellen Harrington (English)

Mr. Trey Lemley (Biomedical Library)

Dr. Madhuri Mulekar (Math)

Dr. Sue Walker (English)

Dr. Julio Turrens (Allied Health)