Qualifying Majors

Earn your teaching certificate alongside your STEM degree.

Major Earn Certification to Teach
Mathematics Mathematics
Physics Physics, Mathematics, or General Science
Chemistry Chemistry or General Science
Biology Biology or General Science
Environmental Sciences General Science
Geology General Science
Meteorology General Science
Marine Sciences General Science
Biomedical Sciences General Science
Computer Science Mathematics
Civil Engineering Mathematics or General Science
Chemical Engineering General Science
Electrical Engineering Mathematics or General Science
Mechanical Engineering Mathematics or General Science

To begin your journey, enroll in EDU 125: inquiry approaches to teaching

Students will be reimbursed for the cost of this course upon completion with a B or higher.


Try UTeach South

Try on teaching for FREE:  take the first step EDU 125 at NO COST*!

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*At the University Arts and Sciences rate of 1 hour of in-state tuition.